Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Blogger's Party Report

"Great fun!", "Cool gathering of friends!" "Delicious snacks!" and "Imaginative games!" were comments thrown about freely by those who attended the annual Miri Community net's bloggers' party. It was said to be a casual evening of good food, brainy games and warm fellowship.

Bloggers and contributing members to the Miri blog could only show their appreciation to the busy organizer, Uchu Keling and the generous main sponsor of the event, by turning up and they almost came in droves. The event will surely be a clear reflection of how much unity and strength Miri's blogging community possesses. Other than that, the lively talk at the event really exposes the imagination, diversities and complexities of the minds of the bloggers themselves.

One obvious pat on the back that everyone, especially the organizers and sponsor deserved that night was the conspicuous absence of politics in all forms. It was all good clean fun. Everyone could come together and have a marvelous time just eating, drinking and laughing together. However, beneath this seemingly benign appearance of these many bloggers, according to sources, lay underlying simmering concerns of what socio-political, religious and economic directions the country is taking.

As for some bloggers who may have missed the event, or just perhaps, didn't miss too much of it if they had ingeniously planted a 'double' in the midst of the occasion, the talk and the pics that will surely follow the event will be fond memories to bear in mind. Has it not been said in history that the impossible can happen...and we could have award-winning twins to pose as our doubles in real life? Even Saddam Hussein, Osama and Ghaddafi were notoriously famous for using doubles to avoid being assassinated by others.

So to Lady.Bird and many dear ones, be rest assured that you might have met some of the best actors and actresses that day. Again the famous Shakespearean line comes to mind "All the world's a stage and we're mere actors". If the doubles or twins were decent, imagine the real McCoys!

Thank you, everyone anyway. May there be many more gatherings in future and even many more unexpected surprises that come along with it! I salute you all...and ourselves...Here's a Russian bear hug to the fellas and kisses to all the ladies!


Anonymous said...

i hope 2 c u again in any of d gathering organise by me soon..:)

blackbook said...

Thank you for the invitation notice...We (my good twin and I)always appreciate warm gestures! If I don't send my naughty twin to go on my behalf, I'll be there but I'm worse than him-I'll be planting Canadian kisses forewarned!!!