Wednesday, August 19, 2009

End of Times

Are we going to believe that? Could it be the TRUE prediction...???

2012: The End of the World?

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," August 14, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: There is a whole cottage industry growing around the belief that the world may come to an end in 2012.

Many new Web sites, books and even an upcoming blockbuster movie all delve into the theory surrounding the supposed doomsday. And one of these 2012 prophecies was made by the mysterious and ancient Mayan culture. Let's take a look.


HANNITY (voice-over): For decades, their cities have been excavated, their languages studied, their scripts decoded, yet this civilization still mystifies. So what lies behind the shroud of thousands of years of culture, astrology and architecture?

ROBERT GLEASON, AUTHOR: The Mayans' background is shrouded in mystery. They come out of nowhere a long time ago, and they suddenly have these incredible astronomical insights.

HANNITY: Some say that behind the shroud is a prediction, a premonition that the world as we know it will come to an end in the year 2012.

According to Robert Gleason, who is the executive editor of the upcoming book "Apocalypse 2012," it all begins with their calendars.

GLEASON: They had one that was purely ceremonial. They had a second one called the Haab. And that was a solar calendar, and they needed that calendar to know when they would plant their crops. At the end of each long-count calendar, homo sapiens comes to a catastrophic and. And we are now toward the end of the fifth and final calendar.

HANNITY: So it would appear the Mayans knew their days were numbered. But when would this catastrophic end take place?

GLEASON: It's 11 — 11 p.m. universal time, December 21, 2012.

To be continued ...

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