Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To err is human; to forgive, divine

It is time to forgive and to forbear. There is a time in a person's life when the reality of the situation sinks in that there's no turning back of the clock. We propel ourselves fast forward to the future and leave the past behind bearing in mind the tough, and often unjust lessons we've learnt along the way.

I leave with no guilty conscience, with the evidence that I worked hard, being the earliest worker many, many times and never being late nor missing from my work place according to the time schedule.

I also leave knowing that I was always on good terms with my employers and senior staff and fellow colleagues during the time I was employed by The Borneo Post.

Even though I did not agree with many of the things that were done, I have been a good soldier, obeying orders without any hesitation. May those of you in positions of authority have peace of heart in all that you do.

To fellow bloggers reading this -- yes -- The Truth is Out There.

The rest of the story, as they say, will be in the judging hands of God.

On my part, I forgive and forbear and leave with the less than desired small compensation.

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