Thursday, March 17, 2011

What a Strange World

Perhaps when I purchased my first Japanese-made Toyota vehicle in Tauranga, New Zealand it was a hint of Christchurch earthquarke tragedy and the present tragic unfolding drama and highly likely nuclear catastrophe in Japan ... The bonnet had a rough burnt appearance and I was saying that I had survived a disaster and after the Christchurch earthquarke which I had narrowly missed, I was explaining tongue in cheek that my vehicle had survived an earthquarke ... unprepared that the shocking events would occur in Japan ... but I did surprisingly mentioned to my Canadian buddy by phone at the 11th hour before the Jap tsunami that the world was going crazy with tsunamis, Aussie floods, cyclones and Kiwi earthquarke ...

Here is a song that I heard in the 1960s and found on the net again ... several years ago and I was just playing it on my laptop hours before the Christchurch earthquarke.

Yes, it's indeed "a strange, strange world we live in ..."!

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