Saturday, December 8, 2007

'Spider-man's' Creator's Romantic Side

Did you know that the amazing creator of "Spider-man' and other entertaining super-heroes, Stan Lee, has a romantic side to him? He has written love stories, supposedly based on those narrated to him by others and gotten some illustrators to illustrate comics on various love themes.

The plots may be somewhat corny but nevertheless they provide an entertaining read for all star-struck lovers. With their fanciful suspense-ridden plots and totally unpredictable conclusions that could turn out most heart-wrenching, the reader could only while away hours and hours, engrossed in his or her own delightful romantic fantasy world!

Here's the opening page in his 'Love Stories' comic series...Do click to enlarge the image for a clearer view.Yes, there're more of this type in my library.

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